Wednesday 16 September 2020

What are collocations? Why should I study them? - Irene

Hi there! 

Did you enjoy your summer holidays? It's great to see you here.

What are collocations? ¿Qué son las colocaciones?

According to the dictionary "the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance", so basically words that work well together. If you think about Spanish, for instance, the verb that you would likely use with error is cometer. That's a collocation! If you use another verb, say hacer, people will probably understand you, but it doesn't sound natural.

Según el diccionario "la yustaposición habitual de una palabra en concreto con otra u otras palabras de forma frecuente", así que básicamente palabras que funcionan bien juntas. Si piensas en el español, por ejemplo, es muy probable que el verbo que utilices con error es cometer. ¡Eso es una colocación! Si utilizas otro verbo, por ejemplo hacer, seguramente te entiendan, pero no suena natural.

Why should I study them? ¿Por qué debería estudiarlas?

It's all about sounding as natural as possible. To be fluent in English -and to avoid mistakes- you will need them. Using Spanish as an example again: if I say "quiero tres fotocopias en negro y blanco", I'll be understood but not natural nor correct. BTW, in English blanco y negro is black and white (negro y blanco).

Todo se trata de sonar tan natural como sea posible. Para tener soltura en inglés -y para evitar errores- los necesitarás. Utilizando el español como ejemplo de nuevo: si digo "quiero tres fotocopias en negro y blanco", me entenderán pero no será natural ni correcto. Por cierto, en inglés blanco y negro es black and white (negro y blanco).

If you plan to do any official exams (EOI, Cambridge, IELTS), you'd better study collocations. Most of the Use of English tests include them in the questions.
Si tienes en mente hacer algún examen oficial (EOI, Cambridge, IELTS), más vale que te estudies las colocaciones. La mayoría de pruebas de Use of English las incluyen entre las preguntas.

How can I learn them? ¿Cómo las puedo aprender?

Read, listen, and access to as many real materials as you can. Pay attention to the way words are used together and try to copy it. Here you are some resources to help you learn collocations.
Lee, escucha y accede a cuantos materiales reales puedas. Presta atención a la forma en que las palabras se utilizan juntas e intenta copiarlo. Aquí tienes algunos recursos para ayudarte a aprender colocaciones. 

Resources / Recursos:




- According to (prep): de acuerdo con, según, como dice.
"According to Jeff, the film starts at 7.30" "Según Jeff, la película empieza a las 7.30"

- For instance (adv): por ejemplo (sinónimo de for example)
"In the electronics industry, for instance, 5,000 jobs are being lost." "En la industria de la electrónica, por ejemplo, se están perdiendo 5000 empleos".

- Say (adv): digamos, por ejemplo (coloquial)
"Take any number, say seven, and multiply by four." "Coge un número, por ejemplo siete, y multiplícalo por cuatro."

- Likely (adj, adv): probable, probablemente.
"He's not likely to be interested." "Probablemente no le interese"

- BTW (adv, initialism): acrónimo de By The Way - por cierto, ya que estamos.

- Had better (v aux): sería mejor que, haría mejor en, más le vale. 
"He had better do what he is told!" "¡Más vale que haga lo que se le pide!"

- Pay attention (v expr): prestar atención.

Thursday 3 September 2020

Hello mates!

I hope you have had a good summer.

Now, it is time to go back to school.

Do your favourite activities again.

It is the best way to start studying again.

Keep on going and cheer up!


Hola amigos,

Espero que hayáis tenido un buen verano.

Ahora es el momento de volver a la escuela.

Vuelve a hacer tus actividades favoritas.

Es la mejor forma de empezar a estudiar de nuevo.

¡Sigue adelante y ánimo!


Wednesday 24 June 2020

Irene's Videos - How to write an email

Hi there!

Today's video is about how to write an email to a hotel in English.

I hope you find it useful,


Irene Loves the Net - Word Up App

Hello there!

Would you like to use an app to learn new vocabulary? Then I highly recommend Word Up. 
¿Te gustaría utilizar una app para aprender nuevo vocabulario? Entonces te recomiendo encarecidamente Word Up.

First, you need to choose your level.
Primero, necesitas elegir tu nivel.

Secondly, you have a self-assessment test where you are shown different words and need to drag them to unsure or to I know it.
En segundo lugar, tienes un test de autoevaluación donde te enseñan diferentes palabras y tienes que arrastrarlas hacia unsure o hacia I know it.

Time to learn! Once your level is assessed, you are going to learn some of the words marked as unsure in order of frequency of use and some new ones. You start by reading the definitions.
IMPORTANT: don't pay attention to the phonetic transcriptions, most of them are wrong.
¡Hora de aprender! Una vez tu nivel es evaluado, vas a aprender algunas de las palabras que marcaste como unsure en orden de frecuencia de uso y algunas nuevas. Empiezas leyendo las definiciones.
IMPORTANTE: no le prestes atención a las transcripciones fonéticas, la mayoría están mal.

Then, you are presented some realia -real material from everyday life- which includes the word you are studying; such as famous quotes ("to be or not to be"), series scenes, songs, news, etc.
Luego, te presentan realia -material real de la vida cotidiana- que incluye la palabra que estás estudiando; citas famosas ("ser o no ser"), escenas de series, canciones, noticias, etc. 

To hold yourself accountable, you have to set your goals and the time you are going to spend studying daily.
Para hacerte más responsable, tienes que fijar tus metas y el tiempo que vas a dedicar al estudio diariamente.

Translations are optional.
Las traducciones son opcionales.

Finally, you'll be offered new words and some exercises to revise, and on the test me section you'll be able to practise them. 
Por último, te ofrecerán nuevas palabras y algunos ejercicios para repasar y, en la sección test me, podrás practicarlas.

Enjoy your learning!


Tuesday 23 June 2020

Irene's Challenges - Summer Language Challenge

Hi there!

How are you? I hope you enjoyed the exercises we've done, and rose to the challenges I set for you. It is fantastic to see students engaging with their learning.
¿Cómo estáis? Espero que hayáis disfrutado los ejercicios que hemos hecho, y que hayáis estado a la altura de los retos que os preparé. Es fantástico ver a los estudiantes comprometerse con su aprendizaje. 

Your next challenge is HUGE. It is supposed to last for the entire summer holidays. There you go: 
Vuestro próximo reto es ENORME. Se supone que debe duraros todas las vacaciones del verano. Aquí vamos:

You don't need to follow any order, just enjoy learning!
No hace falta que sigáis ningún orden, ¡simplemente disfrutad aprendiendo!

Here you are some resources to help you:
Aquí tenéis algunos recursos para ayudaros:

I hope you find it helpful. I'll be on the comment section down below in case you need me.
Espero que lo encontréis de utilidad. Estaré abajo en la sección de comentarios por si me necesitáis.


Rise to the challenge (v expr) - estar a la altura del desafío.
"We should rise to the challenge and address this problem." "Deberíamos asumir este reto y ocuparnos de este problema."

Engage with st (v) /ɪnˈgeɪdʒ/ - comprometerse, dedicarse, empeñarse.

It's supposed to (v expr) - se supone que
"This pen is supposed to write smoothly even in space." "Se supone que esta pluma escribe fácilmente incluso en el espacio."

SOLUTIONS 10th June - Irene's Challenges: Yoda Said It

Hello again, folks! 

Great to see you here. Here you are the answers to our last challenge. If you remember, I asked you to reorder Master Yoda's words, so let's see:

Es genial veros por aquí. Aquí tenéis las respuestas a nuestro último reto. Si os acordáis, os pedí reordenar las palabras del Maestro Yoda, veamos:

1. When nine hundred years you reach, look as good you will not.  When you reach nine hundred years, you will not look as good.

1. Cuando alcances novecientos años, no tendrás tan buena pinta.

2. Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. → The mind of a child is truly wonderful.

2. La mente de un niño es verdaderamente maravillosa.

3. If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find.  If you go into the security recordings, you will only find pain.

3. Si entras en las grabaciones de seguridad, solo encontrarás dolor.

4. Size matters not. Look at me! Judge me by my size, do you? → Size doesn't matter. Look at me! Do you judge me by my size?

4. El tamaño no importa. ¡Mírame! ¿Me juzgas por mi tamaño?

5. Go I will. Good relations with the Wookies, I have. → I will go. I have good relations with the Wookies. 

5. Yo iré. Tengo buenas relaciones con los Wookies.

La teoría sobre el origen de Baby Yoda en 'The Mandalorian' que se ...

Hope you enjoyed it!
May the Force be with you,


Tuesday 16 June 2020


#4 TRANSCRIPTION PODCAST: Name and surname

Eva: Hello, this´s Eva from “English por doquier English everywhere”

Today Podcast is about NAME AND SURNAME.

And Susan is here to help us to understand how different this matter between British and Spanish language is.

 Eva: Hi Susan!

Susan: Hi Eva, How are you?

Eva: Pretty good, and you?

Susan: and fine, thank you.


 Firstly a bit of vocabulary

Nombre, Nombre propio: name or forename is a name as birth name. Also sometime we say “first name”.  Examples: Maybe John, Jack, Jane.

Maiden name, What is a Maiden name? It´s the surname of your father. If you got married. So quite often we say what is your, maiden name or the name of your mother. Sometimes, they will ask you, what is the name of your mother?

 En español disponemos de “Nombre de pila” a qué refiere en inglés:  a Christian name, quite often we just said “Christian name” which means your first name and doesn´t  matter if you are or you are not religious.


Eva: Es decir aunque seas musulmán o protestante, un policía te puede preguntar, Can you give me your Christian name? Yes, and this would be your first name. They always ask you for your Christian name, your first name.


What is the middle name?

The middle name is quite often; it could be any name parent´s like. But quite often is the way to give respect to a family member and maybe is the name after your name of your grandfather or grandmother.

For example: Yes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Yes, (Tip: Fitzgerald) That is was his mother maiden name. (Tip: whose maiden name was Rose Fitzgerald, and also his maternal grandfather, John Fitzgerald)

When do we use senior or junior?

It is tend to be an American tradition. We only would say that to clear something up, if maybe a father or a son has the same name but we don´t said John Smith Junior in the UK.

Para decir por ejemplo, John Smith hijo.

Eva: What is a nickname? ¿ Es un diminutive?

Susan: We could say, shorten the name. For example, we would maybe say: Phillip- Phil, Thomas becomes Tom or Christopher becomes Chris.

What are the Spanish ones?

Pues, por ejemplo Pilar; Pili. Francisco; Paco.  


Apodos y motes: Nickname, pen name or Alias. 

Hay un mote para los niños y no tan niños que se dice a una persona cuando tienes las orejas grandes. ¿Existe algo similar en inglés?

We would say, “wingnut”, sometimes, big ears. Orejón.


Eva: Los españoles  Susan, como bien sabes tenemos un nombre,  un primer y segundo apellido. El primero suele corresponder al padre y el segundo al de la madre. Aunque a partir de 1990 el orden se puede invertir.

Sin embargo en países de lengua inglesa no se sigue este orden.


Susan: Yes, you are right. We have just what is a surname, or sometimes que call it, a last name or family name.

When you are born, you take the parent´s name. And, it is normally the name of the father.  


And Susan what happens when you get married?

If you get married, traditionally you take the name of your husband, then you don´t use your maiden name again. It is only if they ask you, what is  your maiden name.

And, if someone asks you, how do we answer to the request.  Please, write your full name.

I would write my name as; Susan Allen, because Allen is the name of my father, and there is no really reference weather you are married or not. So, for that reason we have the option to address ourselves as: Ms, Miss or Mrs.


Y ahora un chiste sobre este tema, come on, “Go ahead”

Susan: Ok.

A policeman stops a driver on the road and he asks the driver, can you identify yourself, Sir? So the driver, then he looks in the mirror and says, “Yes, that is me.” Obviously, the policeman was wanted your driving licence and identify by themselves.

You really never carry it with you, most people don´t, sometimes maybe because you can have a plastic card, but traditionally we never carry out, driving licence, passport, anything like these.


Now a little bit of history

Eva: Because about all of these ideas names and surnames. I think is good to know when Normans in contrast to Anglo- Saxons and their Germanic roots. Not only introduced,  French words as “Surname”, Castles, political structures, and the construction of Cathedrals as Westminister Abbey. William the Conquer invaded England in 1066 (Ten-sixty- six) bringing to Britain the Norman traditions. Since his coronation, all coronations of English and British monarchs have been in Westminster Abbey. 


Susan, and before Normans, were there surnames in Britain? 

Susan: Yes, before the Normans, we had the Old English word for “ Surname”  this was freonama, literally meaning "free name." It could be the “family name” is first found late 14c. Hereditary surnames existed among Norman nobility in England in the early 12c., and they began to use surnames by the end of 14c.

The “free name” that is something so curious and interesting, it gives the possibility to create your own surname. It speaks about territories, about the professions and about the family.

Can you tell some ones?

Susan: Yes, the most popular surname in the Uk is Smith and it is the time for the Normans conquest, when the people worked with the metals, a blacksmith, a locksmith, so everything it would be a class of smith, so that is why is a common surname. 

Johnson or Jones, which would be a very traditional name in Welsh and, sometimes Johnson would be the son of John.


Williams, again, because we have a lot of kings Williams, so it becomes Williams, William the conquer and, it translates as desire and protection.


Eva: and William Shakespeare, and Taylor (Tip: Tailor) is somebody would made clothes, although now the spelling is different but it refers to that and  Davies is a family name for David, or Davison, there are quite a lot of different spelling with it.


How different it is from Spanish culture. Something that brings to my mind the Domesday Book ( El libro del juicio final) . Can you tell us a little bit about this book and why have we decided to speak about this now.

It was an important time in English History because it was compiled in 1085 by a King, he wanted to know, who owns each piece of land and still valid today in our title of land and, it became one of the first of earliest public records in the UK and, it was a survey that it was drawn on the order of King William the First or William the conquer. And it describes in detail who own each land and what he had and show them the power of the government, but I think also not only they wanted to know everything about everybody, it was also they could collect taxes and it was nothing similar I believing in contemporary Europe about that time, it was like a population census which for us didn´t coming until the 19c. But it wasn´t a full census, it was only for the people who own land, it would be mainly fthe nobility and rich people.

 The Domesday Book that is “El libro del juicio final” tells a lot about Europe and about the surname and the professions and, we can have an idea about many cultural and anthropological questions.

It is amazing how through certain words we can understand history better. 

Susan: Yes, British history is full of words that tell the history of the invaders really and their conquest. And how they became to rule the country.


Susan, en España los apellidos más comunes son: 

Primero, García, después González , Rodríguez  y  Martínez.

He hecho un poquito de investigación y hasta donde he podido llegar, García, hace referencia a la familia, designa un linaje y está extendido en la península ibérica, en América, Filipinas o Francia pero no existe un significado claro. El cardenal Cisneros en 1505, decidió fijar los apellidos  como los tenemos hasta ahora, es decir con nombre y primer y segundo apellido.

We have learnt a lot and I am very glad for all that you have mentioned and, all the information that you give, that it is so difficult to find in any book.

I think so, too. I think, the way than our surnames and names are very different to the way you do it in Spain. So, it is very useful to know the differences what you would be required if you are asked for certain questions.

Thank you very much, by for now, by for now.